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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

* Have You Ever Thought About Detoxing Your House?

Indoor Air pollution is now considered by many experts to be one of the major threats to health.

NASA, faced with the task of creating a life support system for planned moon bases, began extensive studies on treating and recycling air and wastewater. These studies led NASA scientists to ask a very important question. How does the earth produce and sustain clean air?

The answer is through the living process of plants. They discovered that house plants could purify and revitalize air in sealed test-chambers.

Houseplants can indeed become an integral component of a health HOME.

I will be adding a House Plant to each news letter that will detail a photo and information about the benefits it will provide to your home air.

Listed in this video are: Golden pothos ( Epipremnum aureum) Areca palm and Snake Plant also called Mother-in-law tongue.

Snake Plant

It produces oxygen and removes carbon dioxide at night. Easy to grow and are almost indestructible. Rarely attacked by insects. Water sparingly. Let the soil dry between watering. Shade, semi-shade.

Golden Pthos

Great a removing toxic gas, formaldehyde and chemical vapors from your home. Easy to grow. Resistant to insect infestation. Let soil dry slightly between watering.

Areca Palm

Releases copious amounts of moisture into the air, removes chemical toxins and is beautiful to look at. Semi –sun. Keep root ball damp. Mist to give a fresh appearance and to provide humidity

I hope you enjoyed the video below.

About this talk
Researcher Kamal Meattle shows how an arrangement of three common houseplants, used in specific spots in a home or office building, can result in measurably cleaner indoor air.

About Kamal Meattle With its air-filtering plants and sustainable architecture, Kamal Meattle's office park in New Delhi is a model of green business. Meattle himself is a longtime activist for cleaning up India's air.

FULL STORY: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/kamal_meattle_on_how_to_grow_your_own_fresh_air.html