Foot Detox Ionic Foot Bath
Single session $50.00
(July 4th Special: $30 with a Colon Hydrotherapy Session)

Experience a safe gentle Bio-Cleanse while soaking your feet in our new European Foot Spa.
Reducing toxins in your body have been known to produce improvements in:
•General Body Balance
•Lactic Acid Reduction
•General Metabolism
•Menstrual Pain
•Kidney Function
•Liver Function
•Weight Loss
•Skin Problems
Detoxification is the body's natural process for eliminating or neutralizing toxins via the liver, the kidneys, perspiration, exhalation, and through the elimination process. As a result of the industrial revolution and the post World War II Petrochemical Revolution, toxins have been accumulating in the human system faster than they can be eliminated. People now carry within their bodies toxins from industrial chemicals, pesticides, food additives, heavy metals, anesthetics and the residues of pharmaceutical drugs as well as legal drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc ... In addition, most drinking water contains over several hundred chemicals, including excessive levels of lead.
Based on an Ancient Chinese remedy, the process takes harmful toxins from the body resulting in improved wellness and health.
There are around 4,000 sweat glands in the feet through which the toxins are emitted.
The process makes use of the body's natural functions and works by energizing the water to attract positive and negative ions from both the body and the water. The water in the foot spa becomes an extension of the water in the body, from which it is separated by nothing more than a thin membrane of skin on your feet.
This stimulation can have a positive effect in the re balancing of the body. This process makes use of the 2,000 pores in the existing membrane of the sebaceous and eccrine glands in each foot to remove by-products of excretion, which includes toxins.
As the Bio-Energetic field in the body restores and re balances, you may see improvements in the regulating supply of nutrients and oxygen to the tissue, thus allowing a greater level of waste products excreted. This action should have a positive effect on your body's well being.