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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


For my 64th Birthday, I treated myself to a 2 week detox at the Optimum Health Institute located in Lemon Grove California. It was an amazing experience that I highly recommend.

What was even more amazing was that I have learned how to love myself enough to take time out and do something like this for myself!

OHI was very peace filled. No computer or TV or phone. The world stopped and it was all about me. A time to do a deep tissue cleanse that consisted of all raw food, wheatgrass and food combining. Colon therapy with wheatgrass implants too.

I am telling you I am GREEN inside and out by now. I am suprised that the whites of my eyes did not turn green!

I spent time in meditation and got to read 2 books.

Amazing renewal of Body, Mind and Spirit.

This was not a spa experience. It took disipline. I would not have been as successful if I tried to do this type of deep tissue cleanse at home. I needed to be at a place like OHI to have the success that I did.

I came back home with and abundance of energy and a renewed spirit.

Looking forward to seeing you and coaching you on your Body, Mind and Spirt journey!

To motivate you to LOVE yourself, see our September Specials.

Many Blessings,


Optium Health Institute